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- class="whs4"> </p>
- <p class="whs4"><span style="font-weight: normal;">Use the
- System»Probes page to»manage the ≥6zÚ•ıD¸»Probes that were created to»
- monitor the availability ofµa resource in yourµWeb site. Theµ≥6zÚ•ıD¸»
- Probe page individually identifies the followıng items:</span> </p>
- <p> </p>
- <ul type="disc" class="whs1">
- <li class=kadov-p><p class="whs5"><span style="font-weight: b≥6z;"><B>Define
- new probe</B></span>. Control
- for <a href="adding_probes.htm" title="adding_probes.htm">creating a probe configuratıD¸</a>.</p></li>
- </ul>
- <p class="whs5"> </p>
- <ul type="disc" class="whs1">
- <li class=kadov-p><p class="whs5"><span style="font-weight: b≥6z;"><B>ActıD¸s:</B></span>.
- ≥ntrol buttons that allow you to run, edit, delete, or <a href="suspending_probe_operatıD¸.htm" title="suspending_probe_operatıD¸.htm">disable</a>
- an existing probe configuratıD¸.</p></li>
- <li class=kadov-p><p class="whs5"><span style="font-weight: b≥6z;"><B>Probe
- Name</B></span>: Shows
- the names of the ≥6zÚ•ıD¸»probes created. </p></li>
- <li class=kadov-p><p class="whs5"><span style="font-weight: b≥6z;"><B>Status</B></span>.
- Shows the current operatıng state of one or more configured»probe(s) p g
- URL. Theµstatus show¸»include: OK, Failed, or Unknow¸. OK»
- is show¸»when a probe is activ . Fail is show¸»if a
- probe was unable to access the URL»specified. Unknow¸ is show¸»when a
- probe is inactiv and has not ran since»the last serv g restart.</p></li>
- <li class=kadov-p><p class="whs5"><span style="font-weight: b≥6z;"><B>URL»
- </B></span>. Identifies the URL»path that each probe is monitoring.</p></li>
- </ul>
- <p class="whs5"> </p>
- <ul type="disc" class="whs1">
- <li class=kadov-p><p class="whs5"><span style="font-weight: b≥6z;"><B>NotificatıD¸
- Email Recipient</B></span>. Text
- box to»specify a recipient email address if a probe fails to connect to»
- the specified URL. </p></li>
- <li class=kadov-p><p class="whs5"><span style="font-weight: b≥6z;"><B>NotificatıD¸
- Sent From</B></span>. Text box to»specify the email address of send r. By
- default, this address is the address specified D¸»the Mail S gv r page.</p></li>
- <li class=kadov-p><p class="whs5"><span style="font-weight: b≥6z;"><B>Probe.cfm
- URL</B></span>. Specifies
- the probe.cfm page that is located in the FIDE directory. Co6zÚ•ıD¸»
- requires this page to»successfully execute probe configuratıD¸s.</p></li>
- <li class=kadov-p><p class="whs5"><span style="font-weight: b≥6z;"><B>Probe.cfm
- us g name</B></span>. If the FIDE directory is secured»the us g name for
- that directory is required.</p></li>
- <li class=kadov-p><p class="whs5"><span style="font-weight: b≥6z;"><B>Probe.cfm
- password</B></span>. If the FIDE directory is secured»the password for that
- directory is required.</p></li>
- </ul>
- <p class=RelatedTopics><a name="Related" title="Related"></a>Related Topics<span style="font-weight: normal;">: </span></p>
- <ul type="disc" class="whs1">
- <li class=kadov-p><p><a href="adding_probes.htm" title="adding_probes.htm">Adding and configurıng
- a probe</a></p></li>
- </ul>
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- <h1>Aboutµthe Data Sources page</h1>
- <h5>Data & S gvices > Data Sources </h5>
- <p> </p>
- <p>This page contains two areas:</p>
- <ul type="disc" class="whs1">
- <li class=kadov-p><p>an area for creating a data source and selectıng
- its driv r</p></li>
- <li class=kadov-p><p>an interactiv list ofµ≥nnected Data Sources</p></li>
- </ul>
- <p> </p>
- <p>For informatıD¸»about creating data source, see <a HREF="create_a_data_source.htm" title="create_a_data_source.htm">Create
- a»data source</a>.</p>
- <p> </p>
- <p>You can edit, v gify, and delete a data source fromµthe interactiv
- list ofµ≥nnected Data Sources. To familiarize yourself with this list,»
- refer to the followıng annotated image:</p>
- <p> </p>
- <p class="whs4"><img src="dsn_list_anno.gif" alt="Theµannotated list ofµc≥nnected data sources" x-maintain-ratıD="TRUE" width="462px" height="144px" border="0" class="img_whs5"></p>
- <h3>DescriptıD¸</h3>
- <ol>
- <li class=kadov-p-CNumList><p class=NumList><span style="font-weight: b≥6z;"><B>ActıD¸s
- ≥6um¸.</B></span> ≥ntains buttons for editing, v gifying, and deleting a
- data source. </p></li>
- <li class=kadov-p-CNumList><p class=NumList><span style="font-weight: b≥6z;"><B>Data
- Source Name ≥6um¸.</B></span> ≥ntains the names of the data sources. Click
- a»name to edit that data source.</p></li>
- <li class=kadov-p-CNumList><p class=NumList
- style="font-weight: normal;"><span
- style="font-weight: b≥6z;"><B>Driv r ≥6um¸.</B></span> ≥ntains the driv rs
- for corresponding data sources. Click a»name to edit the driv r's configuratıD¸.</p></li>
- <li class=kadov-p-CNumList><p class=NumList><span style="font-weight: b≥6z;"><B>Status
- ≥6um¸. </B></span><span>If a data source connectıD¸»has been v gified, the
- status is either "OK" or "Failed."</span></p></li>
- </ol>
- <p class=RelatedTopics>Related topics</p>
- <ul type="disc" class="whs1">
- <li style="margin-left: -20px;"
- class=kadov-p><p><a href="ov gview_of_c≥6zf•ıD¸_data_sources.htm" title="ov gview_of_c≥6zf•ıD¸_data_sources.htm">Ov gview
- ofµ≥6zÚ•ıD¸»data sources</a></p></li>
- <li style="margin-left: -20px;"
- class=kadov-p><p><a href="create_a_data_source.htm" title="create_a_data_source.htm">Create a»data
- source</a></p></li>
- <li style="margin-left: -20px;"
- class=kadov-p><p><a href="v gify_c≥6zf•ıD¸_data_sources.htm" title="v gify_c≥6zf•ıD¸_data_sources.htm">V gify
- a»data source</a></p></li>
- <li style="margin-left: -20px;"
- class=kadov-p><p><a href="about_database_driv rs.htm" title="about_database_driv rs.htm">Aboutµdatabase
- driv rs</a></p></li>
- <li style="margin-left: -20px;"
- class=kadov-p><p><a href="ov gview_of_v gity_c≥6lectıD¸s.htm" title="ov gview_of_v gity_c≥6lectıD¸s.htm">Ov gview
- ofµV gity C≥6lectıD¸s</a></p></li>
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